There are two types of people in this world. People that love shoes and people who could care less. I will admit, I’m closer to the latter than the former. One thing I have noticed however is the fact that the best shop blogs (blogs that are written by a retailer or brand), are fancy men’s dress shoe stores. The unrivaled leader in this category is Hawaii based Leather Soul. The blog’s layout is crisp, impeccably formatted and well maintained. The imagery is simple, beautifully shot, and above all consistent. Makes me want to fly to Hawaii, skip the beach and buy some Aldens.
Look how clean and organized that shop looks. This makes me proud to be an American. On another note, you know their business is 90% Japanese tourists.
The other great shoe shop blog is NYC’s Leffot. More than just shoe porn, the store has some excellent service posts like how to deal with road salt on your leather shoes, all weather styles that are good for the winter time. Plus the Leffot carries some terrific brands and cool accessories. It is worth a read.
Pictured below is a beautiful “groom kit” available at Leffot.